How To Add Entegration

On the Candidates Page, recruiters can schedule a meeting by pressing the action button on a candidate’s row. When the recruiter selects "Schedule A Meet," a modal window opens. If the recruiter chooses Zoom as the meeting type, they are redirected to obtain their Zoom token (OAuth authentication). After successfully logging into Zoom, the recruiter is redirected back to the Candidates Page, where he/her can select Zoom as a meeting type.

The recruiter can then fill in the remaining necessary information (such as date, time, and any other details) to create a Zoom meeting. Once the meeting is scheduled, an email with the Zoom meeting details is sent to the selected candidate.

Figma Mockups

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 16.05.39.png

Candidates Page where recruiter can schedule a meet with selected candidate

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 16.07.03.png

Select Meeting Type

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 16.07.14.png

If recruiter choose Zoom as a meeting type, and if there is no Zoom token for that recruiter, redirect user to get his token

Screenshot 2024-09-27 at 16.07.44.png

Testing Video